Blogging Challenge

So I've decided to start another blogging challenge.  I really like the 30 Days of Truth, since it lets me answer questions that I normally wouldn't write about.

So I found a few others I want to do, although most of them are for Tumblr and not for blogs.  But since they all had some good questions (and some dumb ones), I've decided to combine them into one big blogging challenge.  And edit a little.  And maybe add a few of my own questions.

It took a while, but now I have what I'm calling my "The One Hundred Day Brain Mush Blogging Challenge."  It's too big for me to post in one shot, so I'm gonna do it in two.  I'll post the second one up soon.  I'm happy with it.  I don't think there's anything too repetitive, but you never know.

If anyone stumbles across this and wants to do it, you're more than welcome to.  Just make sure to link back to me and let people know where you got it!!

I'm super happy with it.  Let's hope it doesn't take forever for me to finish all of them!!

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