Monday 27 December 2010

30 Days of Truth: Something you hope to do in your life.

Well, this is a long one. I have both a list of things I want to do next year, as well as a list of things to do before I die. Then there's a list of places I want to visit. And then there's the things I want to accomplish in life. So I guess I'll just talk about all of those.

The list for next year can actually be found on this site, a few posts down. Just look for the post titled "Things I want to do in 2011."

The list of things I want to do before I die is quite long, and honestly, it just keeps changing. I add things all the time, and I remove things (not often), or I plain just forget some things. To name a few on that list:
- swim with dolphins
- go skydiving
- see the Northern Lights
- walk through the mountains to Macchu Picchu
- attend the World Cup
- learn as many languages as possible
- ride a hot air balloon
- learn to horseback ride
- learn to surf
- go wild water rafting in the Grand Canyon
- hug a panda
- walk the Great Wall of China
- go on a safari
- visit Mount Everest and Kilimanjaro

Yeah, there's tons more. And I'm pretty sure if I sit here I can come up with a super long list. I should start a scrapbook and put one thing per page, and put a picture when I do it. Yep, that's my new plan. Now to get a scrapbook :)

As for places I want to go, well, I want to go to every country. All of them. And I want to visit every state and province. Obviously, there's a few places I want to go more than others, so here's a list of the ones I want to see the most: Macchu Picchu, Scotland, Madrid, Australia, Ireland, London, Galapagos Islands, Jasper National Park, Thailand, Brazil. I could just go on, but I guess that's a good enough list.

And lastly, things I want to accomplish. Well, I'd like to get a great job, maybe writing, maybe doing PR, that pays me well and is stable. I'd like to one day have a PR or event planning or writing-type company that does well, or maybe just have a good position at someone else's company. I'd like to buy a condo, or a house, and have it be nicely furnished. I want to buy a car, maybe a Nissan Rogue or a Lexus RX. I'd like to get married to someone I love and trust and who treats me well and who loves me and trusts me. I'd like to have kids, two, maybe three, and one day have the kind of relationship with them that I have with my mom. I'd like to have a dog. A cute, fluffy dog.

So there you go. My lists. Apparently I want to do a lot. Maybe I should get working on that??


30 Days of Truth: Something you have to forgive someone else for.

I've spent some time thinking about this one. There are many things that people have done to me throughout my life that I feel would take a while for me to forgive. Many of them, I haven't forgiven them, and I probably never will.

I can hold grudges for a very long time. I can be angry for years, or just not willing to let go and move on because I don't want to.

But honestly, I can't think of anything I feel the need to forgive others for. The problem with this one is that it asks you not for something that you felt was done to you and would require forgiveness, but for something I feel I need to forgive for. So I'm going to have to say that I don't feel the need to forgive anything I haven't already forgiven.

So I guess this one will be left unanswered?? Oh, well. Maybe I'll have better luck with the next one.


Being sick sucks.

I have the flu. It sucks. It made Christmas sucky, and now I had to reschedule the Christmas dinner since I'm clearly too sick to have ppl over.

This shit better be gone by New Year's Eve. Otherwise, my choices are to party while sick, or stay home alone sick. Both suck.

Christmas was not the best. So we went to my aunt's for Christmas. You know, I love her, and I love her family, but I feel like she judges who we are and how we are and like she's decided we've gone wrong somewhere. But at the same time, she doesn't want to hear anything bad about her brother, so there's no point in explaining to her what we feel is wrong. So I guess she thinks it's all my mom's fault too.

She seems to think that the opinions we have of my dad are opinions that my mom put on us. I mean, really?? What are we, six years old and unable to form our own?? My dad left. He didn't give a shit, and when he pretended to, he did a shitty fucking job. How are we supposed to see him as anything besides the fuck up who walked away?? It's become a joke in our house, to say "you got that from your dad" or "well, you're definitely a Silva". Saying we're like him is an insult to us, and really, that's his fault. What kind of person makes their kids feel as though he doesn't love them or want them?? I know Gaby feels that way. It's her own opinion; my mom never told her how to feel.

In fact, my mom was more than nice towards him. She never insulted him in front of us, she never said bad things about him, she never tried to turn us against him - all of which he did to her. She never said no when we wanted to see him, or tried to stop us when we wanted to live with him. She let him have his million chances with his kids, and he fucked them all up. So please, stop looking at us like we're asshole for thinking of him as a joke. That is all he is to us. A fucking joke.

As for how we are, well, stop judging it. Maybe we're not as obedient as your kids, but we love and respect each other. Just because we call each other names and make fun of each other doesn't mean anything. If my mom were to tell me tomorrow that I can't do something, I'd laugh. I mean, really, I'm 26. The time to parent me has come and gone. But as someone I respect and whose friendship I value, I would take her advice into careful consideration. Her opinion is incredibly important to me, and at the same time, we can hang out and talk and laugh and gossip. I really feel like our relationship is incredible.

And for Jose?? Well, he's special. But we've accepted him. It's time you do too. If you can't accept who we are and how we feel about life (and about your brother), then maybe we shouldn't really be spending holidays together, regardless of how much we love you.


Friday 24 December 2010

30 Days of Truth: Something you have to forgive yourself for.

Like the previous two, this is not easy at all. At first, I thought of things I regret, but those aren't necessarily things I have to forgive myself for. And then I thought of things I've done to other people, but they also aren't something I think needs forgiveness, at least not from myself. I thought of maybe concentrating on something I failed at that I believe I could have changed, but that opens a huge can that I'm not ready to face.

So what to pick??

Th worst thing I've ever done, in my opinion, is try to kill myself. But I've come to terms with that, and I've accepted that although it was a terrible mistake, it's done and I can't change it. I've learned that it's not an experience I want to go through again, nor is what I saw that night an expression I ever want to see on my mom's face again. The second worst thing I've done is how I treated my mom when I was younger, maybe about 15 or 16. But in the end, although I feel I was a terrible person then and I said some horrible things, it's made her and I closer. And since I love our relationship and I love how we are now, I wouldn't change it.

But it can't possibly be that I don't have anything that I have to forgive myself for. That's just crazy!!! Everyone's done things they can't get past. So I have to find something...right??

I'm going to settle on needing to forgive myself for being retarded in school. For skipping, for failing classes, for smoking, for drinking, for everything. It's always been something I wish I could change, something I wish I'd known back then: that high school was important for my future, that high school classes were important for whatever career I wanted to have. I'd also like to learn one day to forgive myself for not going to Katimavik when I got in. I'm not gonna lie, that's my biggest regret. Those nine months in three provinces with eight other people could have been amazing. The sad part is that I know I wouldn't have listened to anyone who told me this. I knew better, right?? Clearly, I was wrong.

I know it may not be as dramatic as some people hoped, but that's the best I've got. I'm pretty content and accepting of most things I've done in my life, and those I regret aren't things I really need to forgive myself for. Don't worry, I'm sure there'll be some in here that are heavy, dramatic, or emotional. Just wait until day 14!!

This update is much earlier than I'd planned. But I really have been in a writing mood. Maybe you'll be lucky and you'll get Day 4 early too!!


Thursday 23 December 2010

30 Days of truth: Something you love about yourself

This one is just as difficult as finding something you hate about yourself, but for the opposite reason. It's not that I have too many to choose from, it's that I can't think of any. I can think of a few things I like: my love of learning, my need to write, my imagination. I guess I can sum it all up and say that I love my ability to sit down and create a story, with characters, maps, and history.

Although many of you may not have seen my story writing, I do have a few stories floating around online. Most are short stories, no more than 1500 words each. There is one multi-chaptered story, but I've only posted up to chapter three or four. But besides those, there are a few more: the fantasy world I've created, along with all the people in it, it's history, it's plot, and it's rules; there's the story of Alyssa, the young mother who loses it all and has to start her life again; there's a great story that involves angels, a human girl, and a war.

I can sit down and spend hours researching, planning, and creating characters and lands, all before I sit down and even begin to write the story.

The only downside to this is that I don't do it often enough. But this year it's on my list of things to improve (I refuse to call them resolutions), so hopefully you'll soon see more of my stories up on here or on one of the writer's websites and In The Midst of Lies will be updated a little more.

So there we go, something I love about me. Maybe I'll keep up and do Day 3 tomorrow?? We'll see. It is Christmas Eve, so maybe not. But I'll try :)


Wednesday 22 December 2010

30 Days of Truth: Something you hate about yourself.

This was surprisingly difficult. Not because I'm so awesome that I couldn't think of something I hated, but because apparently I hate a lot about myself. So I decided to pick two things to focus on: my incredibly low self-esteem and my lack of motivation.

So as most of you already know, I don't have the best opinion of myself. I mean, overall, I think I'm okay. I have good days, on which I think I'm smart, and pretty, and going places in life. But most days, I think the opposite.

I can think of a million reasons why I'm like this, and honestly, I'm not sure how to change that. I can say that if I lost weight I'd be better, but I'm not sure I would be. I could say that if I had a great job I'd change, but I'm not sure I would.

Not surprisingly, low self-confidence is fairly common amongst the female population. It's not easy to think you're great and sexy when you look at people like Nicole Scherzinger and Jessica Biel and every other actress and singer and model.

Anyways, so that's what I hate the most about myself. I would change that before I changed anything else about myself. If I had more self-confidence, then half the stuff I currently want to change might not be necessary anymore.

Second highest on that list would have to be my motivation ADD. It seems like I can only be motivated by something for short spans of time, and it never lasts long enough for me to finish anything. School, stories, work, events...anything. If I could make myself be motivated long enough to actually finish something and go somewhere and do something, that would be great.

So there you go. Day one done. Maybe day two tomorrow?? We'll see.


Tuesday 21 December 2010

30 Days of Truth: the list.

So I'm not sure how many of you have heard about something called the 30 Days of Truth. It's a challenge where you are given 30 topics, and you're supposed to write truthful answers to them, then post them online. I haven't been able to find who created it or why, but it seemed like an interesting topic. I'm not positive I'll do them all, and I probably won't do them every day. But i did want to post them on here in case anyone wanted to do them as well. I'll just answer one when I want to write, or when I have no topic, or when I just want to be truthful. So here's the list:

1. Some­thing you hate about yourself
2. Some­thing you love about yourself.
3. Some­thing you have to for­give your­self for.
4. Some­thing you have to for­give some­one else for.
5. Some­thing you hope to do in your life.
6. Some­thing you hope you never have to do.
7. Some­one who has made your life worth liv­ing for.
8. Some­one who has/had made your life hell.
9. Some­one you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted.
10. Some­one you need to let go, or wish you didn’t know.
11. Some­thing peo­ple seem to com­pli­ment you the most on.
12. Some­thing you never get com­pli­ments on.
13. A band or artist that has got­ten you through some tough ass days. (write a letter.)
14. A let­ter to a hero that has let you down.
15. Some­thing or some­one you couldn’t live with­out, because you’ve tried liv­ing with­out it.
16. Some­one or some­thing you def­i­nitely could live without.
17. A book you’ve read that changed your views on something.
18. Your views on gay marriage.
19. What do you think of reli­gion? Or what do you think of politics?
20. Your views on drugs and alcohol.
21. (sce­nario) Your best friend is in a car acci­dent and you two got into a fight an hour before. What do you do?
22. Some­thing you wish you hadn’t done in your life.
23. Some­thing you wish you had done in your life.
24. Make a play-list to some­one, and explain why you chose all the songs. (Just post the titles and artists and letter).
25. The rea­son you believe you’re still alive today.
26. Have you ever thought about giv­ing up on life? If so, when and why?
27. What’s the best thing going for you right now?
28. What if you were preg­nant, what would you do?
29. Some­thing you hope to change about your­self. And why.
30. A let­ter to your­self, tell your­self EVERYTHING you love about yourself.

I'll try and answer as many of them as I can, because it really is something I find interesting. I'll title them all "30 days of truth", that way, if you don't want to read them, you can skip it as soon as you see the title.


Sunday 19 December 2010

Things I want to do in 2011

Two updates in a week....I'm spoiling you guys!!

I decided I wanted to do a list of all the things that I want to do next year. Now, not all of these are realistic, so don't go crazy when you read them and txt me telling me I'm retarded. They're just things that I would love to do, or learn, or go visit. I'm hoping to get a few of them done this year, not all.

1. I want to learn a new language. I'm thinking something completely different. Maybe Mandarin or Russian or something crazy like that. I'd like to learn Latin, but that seems kinda pointless considering I wouldn't be able to use it anywhere.

2. I want to write a full, multi-chaptered story. I have tons of ideas, plots, and characters all written down, but for some reason I never finish the story. Hopefully this year I will.

3. I want to go somewhere far. I'm not talking about Muskoka or even B.C or anything. I'm talking China, Macchu Picchu, Spain, Brazil, Egypt....somewhere new, far, and interesting.

4. I want to decorate my apartment. I'd like to paint the washrooms, get a new TV, a sound system, matching bedroom set, do the kitchen. Soooo much I want to do.

5. I want to go back to school. There's a million things I'd like to do and that I'd be interested in, but I think I should stick to something I know I can do well in. So I'm aiming for Communications at York, on a part-time basis. It'd take me longer, but I'd really like to get it.

6. I want to update my blogs more often. I have a bunch of them, and I'd like to decide which ones I want to do and stick to those. The soccer one is pretty popular, so I should def stick to that one, and the new one I'm doing about living on my own is pretty good too. So I'm going to aim for two updates a week to start.

7. I want to be someone who is decisive and can say what she wants. I know some of you already think I'm like that, but there are many times where that description is the furthest thing from me as you can get. I'd really like to change that.

8. I want to go to more concerts. I love concerts, and I don't think I go to enough of them. It doesn't matter if they're band I've never seen live before, or if they're the same one as always...I just need more concerts.

9. I want to take some sort of fitness class. Yoga, kickboxing, capoiera...there are lots to choose from. The Axe Capoiera gym is next to my work, so I might look into that one.

10. I'd like to lose more weight, but me and the gym aren't really friends. So maybe a class and Insanity will work. I'm also going to start the diet again, the one I did a year ago that helped me lose weight. Losing another 40 lbs would be amazing. So 40 is my goal. I'd like to be able to buy some nice skirts and tops when the summer comes around and not feel gross.

11. I want to cross at least three things of my list of things to do before I die. So maybe some skydiving, swimming with dolphins, hugging a panda, learning to surf or horseback ride. It's a long list, as most of you know, and I need to work on it a little more. So at least three crossed off this year is the goal.

12. I want to make new friends, maybe some that live downtown. Not that there's any wrong with my friends (well, not more than usual), but it'd be nice to have people nearby. Everyone I know lives out in Mississauga, and considers it a hassle to come down here. So meeting a few people to hang out with here would be great.

So that's my list. I'm sure I could come up with a million more things I want to do, but I think if I can do half of those, then 2011 will be a good year.


Friday 17 December 2010

One day, I'll be awesome at updates. One day.

Hallo all!!

So, clearly, I fail on the updtes. On all my blogs. But anyways, I figured I should let everyone know what's going on in my life. If you don't care, well, then why are you on this blog?? If you care, read on!!

So, still living downtown with my roommate, Benny. Thankfully, it's still going well. We don't want to kill each other (at least, I hope she doesn't secretly plot my death!!), and we get along 95% of the time. My Christmas tree is up, but it's only half decorated. I'm not sure I'll finish it, it looks fine the way it is. At least for this year :)

Matt and I are still good, although I'm kinda sad and upset that he won't be here for New Year's. I'm not the kind of person that needs to be with her bf at every kind of holiday or notable calendar date (like Valentine's), but NYE is kinda important to me. Also, I wasn't really in a party mood, so I kinda wanted to spend the night relaxing with him, eating munchies and watching movies or something. But oh, well. I'll now be going to Robin's and drinking incredible amounts of rum. Not that it won't be a great time, 'cause I'm sure it will, but it wasn't how I wanted to spend my night. I was gonna stay home and watch movies anyways, but then I realized that it would just depress the fuck out of me to spend NYE alone. So drinking it is :) Unless I decide I'd rather spend it alone. Or maybe Matt will be back early?? I'd even be willing to pick him up from his parents' place if he wanted me to!! I doubt it, but I can hope :) But other than that, things are good, I think. Unless it turns out he's secretly plotting my death too.

Moving on, I'm working now. I work at a start-up software company called Vengeo. It's a pretty cool place, and the program they make is kinda awesome. It's called PiPe, and it's like a mix of PowerPoint and Adobe. It's easy to learn to use, and makes some kick ass newsletters and websites and presentations. I like it a lot. It's def much easier than Illustrator, although it doesn't have the same features. But you also get a profile that doubles as a webpage, so yay for free hosting :)

Also, I now do their newsletter. I research for it, write most of it, and put it all together. So all of you really should check it out. I put in a considerable amount of time and effort, so it would be great if everyone could just take a look through it, maybe sign up for the next one. There's also a Facebook group, which I update, so feel free to join :) The link for the newsletter is

Anyways, I get two weeks off for the holidays, and I don't know what I'm going to do with myself. Matt's gonna be gone, my mom is working, and all my friends are working or have family things. Maybe I'll catch up on shows?? I have been meaning to watch Big Bang Theory. And Walking Dead. And a British show called Shameless. Or maybe a movie marathon. And some cleaning, and some laundry. And maybe learning new recipes. Oooh, and learning a new language. I want to learn either Russian or Mandarin. I'm gonna see which one makes more sense to me and go for that one. We'll see how it goes. Or maybe I'll just work on one of my many stories. I spend so much time working on characters and plots and worlds....and then I don't go anywhere with it. I'm gonna try harder!!!

Anyways, I'm off now. Go check out my newsletter!! It'll make me super happy!! And it's awesome, I swear. Also, we have a contest to win four gold tickets to leafs vs. canadiens. Sign up!! And if you win, take me with you :)

Okie, bye bye.