Friday 22 July 2011

If I wrote more often, I could come up with better titles than "an update".

So it's been a while since I wrote, and it's time for yet another super quick update. That's all this blog seems to have, sporadic updates.

So what's new?? Lots. Will I mention it all?? Nope, that's too much work. So we'll do a point-form sorta update.

Work: I'm at RBC. Still on contract, but so far they keep extending it. Keep your fingers crossed that they keep me!! I don't work at a branch, it's an office position at one of their many head offices. As of January, my position will be part of the IT department, which is weird, and I'll be in a building in front of the CN Tower. It's gonna be awesome!! I like the ppl I work with, too. They're pretty cool. I think it's time we did dinner and drinks again!!

Living Space: I'm back at my mom's. I suck. I don't know when I'll move back out. I hate that I'm 27 and still living at home. Why must I fail at everything??

Health: I've gained weight again. Sadly, I'm gonna HAVE to start going to the gym again. I hate it, but it must be done. And I'll have to go back on the diet too. Once again, why must I fail at everything????

Love: I'm still with Matt. He's still awesome. I'm still happy. :) I think things are going great. If they're not, well, feel free to let me know, Matt!!

Family: We don't hate each other. We even all went to the beach, just us siblings. And Gaby's bf. And no one died!! My mom is seeing a new guy. He's pretty cool, and he makers her very happy. So I'm super happy for her.

Friends: Still don't see most of them too often. I've now got like 4 different groups of friends, and making time to see them all, separately, is hard!! But I am seeing the Latin crew this weekend, and then I'm going to a party with some people I haven't seen in years. Some since high school!! It's gonna be awesome!!

Money: Need more. Spend too much. Have to learn to save. Still suck at managing.

So there you go. Updated. I would promise to try harder to update or tell you that I'll update soon...but I'd be lying. So let's just be honest: I'll update again in six months.

Okie, bye bye.


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