Wednesday 31 August 2011

Neeeeed rum!! But still, happy week overall.

So it's been a month, and I thought I'd stop by and say hello. So I guess it's time to update yet again?? Not much has happened, really, but I guess I should start.

So the Toronto Star was looking for people to be bloggers for the provincial election. Every blogger would get a riding, and cover all issues for that riding. They'd do at least one story a week, and three the week of the election. I figured I had nothing to lose, so I filled out the application and sent it off. That was two weeks ago.

And then yesterday they got back to me. And I got it!! I'm super excited!! I know it's not paid, and it's not really a regular writing job, but still, I got it!! They're gonna have a page for each blogger, with picture, bio, and links to all posts. And all the posts will be up on their site!! And possibly in the newspaper!! I am seriously excited. I need to find a way to use this a step towards more news writing and jobs.

For my regular, paid work, I'm still at RBC. They keep extending my contract, which makes me happy. I'm hoping they decide to turn it into a permanent, full-time position. I guess for now I'll just keep my fingers crossed.

I was supposed to go camping this weekend, just Matt and I, but sadly, we can't go. I can't say I'm not upset, 'cause I am, but I know it's not Matt's fault. I was just so looking forward to NOT being here this weekend, it's kinda hard to be happy that plans are cancelled. But Matt has to work, so here I stay. But we are planning to reschedule it, and I'm super happy that he's agreed to go to Tobermory that weekend. I love it up there. It'll be uber cold, but it's too pretty to not go there. Maybe I can find someone with a portable generator?? Or maybe, if you're the one who has mine (it went missing), you can give it back to me!! I'd appreciate it.

So this weekend instead I'm going to the Canada vs. St Lucia world cup qualifier, and I'm kinda excited. You know, I've been to quite a few games this year, for someone who doesn't like sports. But I'm excited. Also, I plan to include rum. Lots of rum. I really have been wanting some lately. I'll settle for tequila, too :)

I'm also planning to bring down all the furniture in the room and bring all of mine up. Also, paint the room. I'm thinking brown with pink (or maybe teal) accents. Also, poem on the wall. I'm gonna put the Riddle of Strider (yes, I am a nerd). It's gonna look awesome. Hopefully.

I'm also hoping to maybe work on my writing. I need to do something with it. I have to decide if my love of writing and blogging will ever win over my love of lazy. My soccer blog could be so good, if I wasn't lazy. I also started another one, but I don't want to put it up here. Maybe once it has a few ppl following it I'll do it. Maybe. Also, my story needs working on. I'll never get better, or get anywhere, if I don't work on it!! Must get on that.

And for those who'd like to know, Nelson got into school for January. He's going to Humber, for something computer-related. Network technician?? Maybe. Either way, it's super news and I'm uber happy for him!! So if you see/talk/BBM/msg/text/stalk/whatever him, tell him congrats!!

Wow, that was more than I planned to write. So I think I'm done. Also, I'm at work, so I should really be focusing on that. And I still have to come up for a title for this shit!! Ugh. Why is life so hard??


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