Wednesday 14 September 2011

30 Days of Truth: Some­thing you never get com­pli­ments on.

So I'm back on this 30 Days of Truth thing. I kinda wanna finish it. So, on to the next one: Something I never get compliments on.

I can't really think of something I never get complimented on, so I guess I'll write about something people often tell me I need to work on fixing, or sucks about me, or whatever. So I've got two: my laziness and my lack of drive and ambition, and my terrible handling of money.

So as most of you know, the way I live my life is simple: if I can do it tomorrow instead of today, I will. Procrastination has always been something I practice regularly. This goes for everything in my life - health-related (I should so be going to the gym), work (I shouldn't be writing this now), writing (I really should update my soccer blog), and everything else you can think of. It is probably one of the things about me I get shit for the most often. I know I need to change it, and I will...later.

My way of money management, or lack thereof, is what I hear the most of. I can make an awesome budget on paper, but I can never translate it to real life. I spend before I pay bills, I go places and do things before I even consider how I'm going to pay everything I need to. I buy pointless things and spend tons on food and eating out. I waste money and having nothing to show for it. I suck at paying people back. Trust me, I know. I've heard it all. I've tried to change it, but it never happens. Maybe I'll leave my debit card locked up?? If anyone knows of a way to do better at this, let me know!!

So there you go. I'm sure if you ask people who know me, they can come up with more. But those are the two I'd say I hear the most.

~ Suz

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