Friday 17 July 2009

I hate coming up with titles.

So my back went out again. Apparently it happens when 3 of your disks are falling apart. It's super painful to walk or sit or lay down or move, but it's nothing new for me. It seems to happen once a year now, in the summer, when it gets really warm. Maybe I should move to Alaska?? I think it's the humidity that does it.

Anyways, so I'm currently handicapped. I spend most of the day in bed, but I do get up to walk around every do often, since it helps a bit. Hopefully it won't last too long. Well, at least i hope the worst part goes away soon.

So I've discovered Microsoft Office OneNote. I've decided that it's the best program ever. It's what I'm using to keep all the info for my story, and I love it. I have like 18 different tabs in two notebooks, and each tab has like 12 pages. Sounds kinda complicated, but seriously, it makes it so much easier to keep things organized.

Also, I've now managed to come up with the storyline for the first book. I've got the main plot points, beginning to end. I've also got an idea of where the second book will go. I've also got a secondary main plot that I'm gonna introduce in the second book, though I still have to work some of that out. But I've got a good idea of how the whole thing will end.

But yeah, so I've got the main plot. I'm now working on the smaller details. They're pretty important. It's kinda hard to write a scene if I'm not sure if there should be a hospital type setting, a private office, or if a healer should just make house calls. Also, I'm debating making my character a little younger I have them at 18, but I think I might move that down to 16. I'm still undecided. It changes the beginning a little, though, so I guess I should decide soon.

I've also got a few of the scenes floating around in my head. But I guess I need to decide their ages first, because I've got scenarios for both running around. I think I will change it, though. I think that having them be 18 is too old, at least at the beginning. They'd be expected to be married or at least engaged, and I'm not sure how getting a job would work. So yeah, 16 it is. Old enough to be mature and adult and responsible, but young enough to be kids and live at home.

Anyways, so I'm gonna go watch a movie now. Or maybe go to sleep. Or maybe write. For some reason, I get the best ideas and do the best work in the middle of the night. So maybe I'll work on it a little and then go to sleep.

Anyways, bye bye.

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