Monday 5 November 2012

And I'm back!! Well, hopefully.

Ah, updates.  How I fail at them!!

So it's been a few months since I wrote on here, and I've decided I need to go back to writing and sharing my wonderful and oh-so-important opinion with you all.  But first, an update on my life!!

Let's try to do this quickly, shall we??

Health: Okay now.  I threw out my back and then had the flu, but I seem to be in okay working order now.  Joined a gym (which had to be put in hold by the aforementioned health issues), but I'll be getting back into that in the next few days.  I've even convinced Jenn to join!!  Maybe we'll do some yoga??  I hear that's good for your back.

Work: None.  I was on contract, and they ended it (rather abruptly, if you ask me!!), so I'm back to looking.  I'm gonna try and find something writing related, although I'll be applying for admin too.  I do not want to be unemployed for longer than a week.  Or maybe two, since next week I need a day off.  But after!!

Living Space: I'm still at my mom's.  I'm trying to be smarter this time and wait until I have a stable, full time, permanent job before I move.  Sadly, that seems to be impossible for me to find.  But once I do, I'm totally moving out!! Hopefully somewhere in Mississauga.  And if not, somewhere near a highway so people will visit me.

Family: Gaby's off at McMaster, doing first year humanities, and Nelson's back Humber doing Network Engineering Technologist (I think??).  I'm super happy for them.  Jose and I haven't killed each other yet, so I'd say it's a success!!  And my mom's happy and doing her thing with Aidan in Burlington.

School: I'm taking law classes at George Brown.  I was thinking paralegal, but I've been advised that what I want to be (according to the image in my head) is a law clerk.  So I'm gonna look into that.

Love:  Matt and I are currently not together.  It's pretty much my fault, and honestly, I'm not sure yet what the right decision is.  It's been 3 days and I already miss him so much.

Life: Lots of partying.  I've been to at least one party every weekend for the last two months.  This Friday, there's a wedding (yeah for open bar and then hotel party!!) and then there's still a club bday, a house party bday, an open bar and 3-course meal bday, the Xmas dinner, the New Year's Burlesque Ball, and Malanka.  I'm sure there's other stuff I'm missing, but that's what I can think of for the next two months.  So yeah, there's been some good times had, and there's still more great times to come!!

Travel: None recently.  I do want to, though.  I think next weekend we're planning a day in the states, so at least I get to use my brand spanking new passport and leave the country.  I know there's talk of getting a group and planning a week-long trip to somewhere, so hopefully next year we can do that.  I'd also like to go to El Salvador, if I get the chance.  Maybe for Easter?? I know they get a week off around that time. And for mine and Jenn's bday we'll hopefully do Vegas!!

So there you go.  Now you're caught up in my life and everything.  I can't promise I'll update anytime soon, 'cause, well, you know me.  I'm not good at updates.  Or keeping to schedule or being on time or anything like that.

So I guess you'll just have to keep checking!!

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