Wednesday 17 July 2013

Blogging challenge: communication

6. What is your preferred form of communication? 

Although I prefer face-to-face, I'd have to say that texts and chat (Facebook or Gmail) are probably the way I communicate the most.  I'm not sure when texting became the thing to do, but somehow, it did.  I have friends who I don't think I've EVER called, although I talk to them often.

I used to love being on the phone, at least with close friends and boyfriends.  I loved talking for hours about everything and nothing.  When I was younger, I'd even enjoy watching TV or playing a computer game while on the phone with someone, because it was almost like they were watching it or playing with you. 

And then, somehow, that stopped.  It became easier to text people instead of talking to them.  Even with my last boyfriend, who I dated for three years, I only texted or talked over Gchat with.  Seriously, I think I talked to him on the phone only a handful of times.  In three years!!


But nothing beats going out for dinner or coffee and catching up, venting, or plotting your world takeover.  I miss my epic coffee dates with Jess!!  Maybe I should do more to keep in touch and not lose contact with people.  And not just a message here and there that doesn't mean anything, but actual, meaningful contact.

I'll get on that.  And if you read this, feel free to call me (or text/message me, whatevs).  We'll do coffee, catch up!!

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