Thursday 18 July 2013

Blogging challenge: my desktop

7. Screenshot your desktop.  Explain it.

Well, this one is kinda boring, since I have Windows 8, which means that nothing really needs to be on my desktop.  I'll screenshot it anyways, though.

Okay, so as you can tell, I have two monitors, both of which are widescreen.  My background pictures change every five minutes from a folder where I've put in pictures of places I think are super pretty (which are labelled at the top) and pictures that have quotes that I like.

As for what's on there, well, there's two quotes in the sticky notes that I've heard recently, which are "Write every day.  Not every other day.  Not tomorrow.  Not after the party.  But before.  The more you write, the more comes out of you.  If you don't give inspiration an opportunity, it will never arrive," which Ethan Hawke said (wwll, wrote) in an answer during a Reddit AMA, and "It's better to write for yourself and have no audience and have no public than write for the public and have no self," which was said by Cyril Connolly.

There aren't too many programs, just a few shortcuts: Photoshop, Calibre (to read ebooks), Handbrake (to convert movies to iTunes format), iTunes, the LotR game I haven't played yet, Mozilla Thunderbird (for some volunteer work I was doing), and a few random folders.

This seems like a boring post, so I'll add a few of my favourite pictures out of all the backgrounds.   The two ink ones came as part of a theme I downloaded from Microsoft.  The other pictures I find mostly of Reddit's The SFW Porn Network, mainly the EarthPorn and CityPorn subreddits, as well as Trey Ratcliff's work, which he shares on his site here.  Then I add the location using Photoshop (I don't change anything else, I just got tired of having pics come up and wondering where it was) and add it to my Themes folder.  I've added the sources as best I can, but I wasn't able to find them all.  If anyone knows, please let me know so I can credit the photographer!!




Spencer Platt/Getty Images




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