Wednesday 26 January 2011

30 Days of Truth: Some­thing peo­ple seem to com­pli­ment you the most on.

So I thought about this one, and it's taken me a while to come up with what people compliment. I've come up with my writing, and my personality (I know, that's super surprising to some of you).

My writing is something that most people will compliment me on, if they've seen it. Sometimes, people I didn't know were reading my stuff will tell me they liked it, which is super awesome to hear. Sometimes I'll get messages from people I've never met in places I've never been telling me that they liked what I wrote, or that they agree, or that they disagree...still, having a total stranger care enough to write a comment is awesome. Now if only I could find a writing job, that would be great!!

Surprisingly, my personality gets me a lot of compliments. If someone were to ask me to describe myself, I'd use words like bitchy, moody, or lazy. But for some reason, a lot of the people who know me tell me how much they appreciate my friendliness, my enthusiasm, my selflessness, my willingness to help out, my ability to listen and offer advice, and so many other things I would have never used to describe me.

So yeah, those are the two I get the most. I get hit on a surprising amount, so I'm assuming that people think I'm good looking, but don't normally tell me that. My awesome boyfriend tells me that all the time, though :D That makes me happy.


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