Thursday 8 March 2012

30 Days of Truth: A letter to a hero that has let you down.

14. A letter to a hero that has let you down.

I've never really had a hero.  There wasn't any one person that I looked up to and wanted to be like.  There wasn't anyone that I greatly admired, at least, not anyone that has let me down.

I guess really the person that has let me down the most is me.  So I'll just write me a letter as though I was trying to give my 16-year-old self some advice.

Dear me,

Lately you've been skipping a lot of class and ignoring all your homework, and I know you feel this is a great plan, but I need you to reconsider.  Right now, all you say to that is something like, "meh, whatever," but a few years down the line, you'll wish you'd done it differently.

Class and homework are more important than you think, and so is going to a good school and getting a degree.  I'd like you to put a little more work towards your future, as right now it's looking kinda bleak.

You also need to know that people do love you.  I know it seems like no one cares and it wouldn't matter if you were gone, but believe me, it would.  You have made an impact in people's lives and there are people you will meet whose lives will be much better for having you in them.  You will also find someone who loves you for who and how you are, so you don't need to pretend for anyone.

Your father's opinion doesn't matter, so stop trying so hard to get his attention.  Your mom's love and opinion matters, and she's there if you're willing to try.  She'll always be there.  Your siblings will be day when they're not young and annoying.

Also, learn to manage money.  Please.  This is key.


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