Sunday 13 May 2012

30 Days of Truth: If my best friend was hurt...

21. Scenario: Your friend is in a car accident and you two got into a fight an hour before.  What do you do??

Well, unless my best friend slept with my boyfriend, physically hurt my family, set me up for a crime I didn't commit, or had me kidnapped and sold my organs, I'm pretty sure the first thing I'd do is rush to the hospital to make sure they're okay.  We can always work our shit out later, but if there was an accident, then I'd need to make sure that I let my best friend know I'm there for them no matter what.  No matter what stupid shit we fight about or what retarded shit we say to each other, 'cause those things don't matter in the end. I'd make sure they were okay, and see if they needed anything, and help out any way I could.

Unless they did one of those three things I mentioned (or something equally as bad).  In that case, well, all I can say is, "Ha!!  Good.  I hope it hurts."

Yeah, I can be incredibly mean.  If it helps, I'd also call or text them that.  'Cause there's no point in being a bitch about things if they don't know you're being a bitch about things.

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