Sunday 11 November 2007

Good times on the weekend

So this weekend was good. I'm happy. Not too much drama, and lots of fun and dancing. And some making out. Yeah, I had a good time.

So friday night we had a surprise thing for Gavin. It went well. Jessica straightened my hair, and it looked pretty. And everyone was there. Both Kasia and Robin were there, in the same room. I was glad. I don't like it when they fight, I feel like I have to pick, and if I hang out with one the other is mad at me. And yeah, Ela slept over. Hahahaha, I called her dad and asked him if it was okay that she came and stayed the night.

And Anthony was there, but he didn't say anything to me at all. Which is good, it made it easier. That way, I can still pretend he doesn't exist, and he can't say he missed an event because of me. And he can't claim I'm brainwashing people.

Anyways, saturday night we went downtown to Distrikt to meet some of the Montreal people. Yeah, not my favourite club. The first floor room looked like someone's unfinished basement, comeplete with wood walls and holes in the floor. And shitty music. The upstairs was at least a little bit better looking, and had much better music. But yeah, Sayurie, Ann, and Sherrie were there. It was awesome to see them again. I missed them more than I thought.

So yeah, I felt so much better about myself. I know it's dumb, but after the whole thing with Anthoyn, I thought maybe I just wasn't attractive at all anymore. But I had two guys tell me I was gorgeous and that I had the prettiest face ever and ask if they could take me home, and I had two guys try and dance with me, and even a girl hit on me. And then there was the guy who just grabbed my hand, pulled me over, and started dancing with me. Man, was it some dirty dancing. Lots of grinding. And then we started making out. And yeah, I don't know what he looked like. That may sound horrible, but I so needed some kissing. And yeah, I don't care if I couln't recognize him ever again.

Jack was a little weird, though. It seemed like something was wrong, but none of us could figure out why. He just kep walking off and wandering around...and didn't dance with us for too long. Why not, Jack?? What was wrong??

But yeah, then on the way out, me and Robin got caught literally in the middle of a fight. As in, we were walking in front of a club, and the guys at the door and the guys on the street tried to attach each other, and we were right in the middle. And then there were cops. And cops on horses, and the horse was on just two legs on the sidewalk as the cop tried to calm ppl was a little scary.

And then we got pizza. It was yummy.

And so today I went to the flea market and bought some movies. We already watched Resident Evil, which so seems to be set up for a fourth. That'd be awesome. But you know, I liked the second one better.

Anyways, off to start another work week. But I told Ann I'd try to see her again this week, and Sherri mentioned something about dinner. So hopefully we can see each other more.

And Rose bought her ticket!!!! She's coming down on Dec 28th. I'm so excited!!!!!! She's gonna come with me to the friends dinner and then we're so gonna party for new years!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!

Anyways, bedtime now.
Nighty night.

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